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Learn how to help yourself with hypnosis &

understand the myths around hypnosis


Do you know

how powerful you are? 


"In the subconscious lies the foundation of your behavior, your character, your destiny, your entire life!  As long as we don't penetrate there, until we have created order there, any attempt to change your life from the outside will have little chance of success !" Mirsakarim Norbekov


The subconscious - the home of our imprints - the good and enriching ones but also the less good, limiting and burdening ones. It is precisely these unprocessed, negative imprints that can cause unwanted symptoms.  It is important to understand that these symptoms are not the triggers. Rather, they are a consequence of imprinting and this is where hypnosis comes into play. In the state of trance it is  possible for you to find and neutralize these triggers.


During the process, the goal is to understand which problematic life contexts, experiences or beliefs lead to behaviors that are dysfunctional for the inner system and result in triggering of psychogenic (mentally related) and physical complaints.


My goal is to activate your resources together with you, to uncover stressful experiences and systemic entanglements and to transform them. You will feel wonderful, liberated and happy.

Deep dive

Let's address some of the myths surrounding hypnosis


Again and again I am asked whether it can happen that someone gets stuck in hypnosis or whether my clients are lying on the chair helplessly during therapy. No - absolutely not, neither on the one hand nor on the other!


Hypnosis is an absolutely natural state of mind that each of us experiences several times a day, whether while daydreaming, reading, meditating or just before and after sleep. The difference to the daily hypnotic state is that in therapy we actively work with the subconscious mind. 


And as working implies, it is an active process. The topics are not simply "slept away" but are approached and processed in a process-oriented manner. You can listen, speak, think, analyze & argue. And also move your body, swallowing, coughing & simply open your eyes and end the hypnosis. You are in control! 

White Sand and Stone
Application areas

Where can hypnosis be used?

Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is an established and scientifically recognized alternative form of treatment which can be used for many problems, ailments and diseases. These complaints can have psychological and physical causes. 


Hypnotherapy is very effective, especially in the case of illnesses with a psychological background. This is because the origin of these issues arises almost exclusively in our subconscious. 



Happy Portrait


Gain new self-confidence, say goodbye to your self-doubt & learn to love yourself

Learning From Home

Learning & Concentration

Find your focus, increase your concentration, learn with joy and overcome your exam anxiety

Sad on Couch

Depression & Burnout

Get off the hamster wheel, reduce your stress, find new energy & focus, live again, your therapy for burnout


Addictive behavior

Say goodbye to your addiction & regain control of your life whether smoking, alcohol, drugs, food or other addictions & constraints


Fears & Phobias

Say goodbye to your fear, whether it is fear of flying, claustrophobia, fear of exams or speaking, fear of heights or a visit to the dentist, but also existential & other crippling fears

Happy Boy

Slimming & eating disorder

Look forward to a good & healthy body, enjoy your positive body feeling & every look in the mirror

Hypnosis works



Recovery after 600 sessions

Behavior therapy


Recovery after 22 sessions



Recovery after 5 sessions

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